
Threads Mobile is version 2.0 of the Threads Capstone project I worked on in my senior year of college.  As art lead, my responsibilities included creating the various avatar pieces, icons, and UI elements present in the game, as well as animating and editing the trailer.  From the threads website: 

The perfect soulmate is hard to come by, but we do the best we can. In Threads, you are tasked with helping people find the best soulmate that you can. Analyze their personalities, what they desire and dislike in a partner and suggest pairings. Threads is inclusive, so you’ll find characters with a wide range of sexual orientations, gender identities, and even polyamorous characters. With a short campaign to introduce you to the game and generated levels, Threads offers near limitless playtime. Come meet the characters of Threads.

This is a project that most of the team would like to continue, and we plan to not only update the game and avatar generation system, but release both as separate apps.  An early alpha of the game is currently available for download for Android on our website.

A huge portion of the game was avatar generation.  When we first sat down to discuss the system we would use and the direction the art would take, an important goal of mine was to create traits for the avatars that would be gender neutral, attributes that could be used for any character.  In general, we created the avatar system to be almost completely gender neutral, in addition to generating characters that aren't just along the male-female binary.  The system generates over 94 quadrillion unique avatars currently, more people than have ever existed on the planet!

Below are a few examples of avatars that are generated using the current system.  they are the 50 "featured faces" that appear in both the trailer and the business cards for the game.